Alimentar a família alargada em tempo de festa é sempre complicado. Mais ainda quando os gostos e idades são bastante divergentes. Andava eu neste dilema quando vi na Tv Paula Deen, a rainha americana do frango frito. E pronto, esta é a minha sugestão para sábado: Promete ser do agrado geral!!! Mas claro que a receita é à minha maneira... As quantidades são para 4 pessoas.
Ingredientes do Frango:- 1 frango partido em cerca de 10 pedaços; - sal e pimenta; - 1 ovo;
- 4 colheres de sopa de leite; - sumo de 1 limão; - 100 g de farinha;
- 150 g de pão ralado; - 1 colher de chá de ervas de provence; - óleo para fritar
Faça uma marinada com o sumo de limão, sal, pimenta e as ervas de provence e esfregue o frango com ela. Reserve.
Numa taça coloque a farinha; noutra o ovo batido com o leite; e numa terceira o pão ralado.
Aquecer o óleo numa fritadeira/frigideira a 180.º C. Passar os pedaços de frango sucessivamente pelas taças de farinha, ovo e pão ralado e colocar no óleo quente.
Fritar 4-5 minutos, virar e deixar fritar mais 4-5 minutos. As pernas e coxas precisam de mais tempo: cerca de 7 minutos de cada lado.
Quando tenho miudos em casa, costumo colocar a farinha, o ovo e o pão ralado em caixas plásticas com tampas: coloca-se o frango, fecha-se a tampa, manda-se a criança abanar e já está! Eles entusiasmam-se e ficam orgulhosos por ajudar a fazer a comida para a família. E nós temos direito àqueles sorrisos maravilhosos e a uma cozinha que se mantém limpa.... :)!
Ingredientes do Puré de batata:- 1 Kg de batatas;
- sal e pimenta;
- 1/2 chávena de chá de leite;
- 1/2 chávena de chá de natas;
- 100 g de manteiga;
- 1 colher de café de noz moscada;
Descasque, lave e corte as batatas em cubos grandes. Coloque-as numa panela grande e cubra-as com água fria e 1 colher de sopa de sal. Ferva em fogo médio-alto e cozinhe até as batatas ficarem cozidas e macias (20-25 minutos). Escorra bem e esmague as batatas (com passe-vite, espremedor...). Coloque as batatas esmagadas na panela em lume minimo, com a manteiga, o leite, natas, pimenta e noz moscada e bata até que fiquem com a consistência pretendida. Se necessário acrescente mais leite. Verifique os temperos. Sirva quente.
Feed the extended family in times of celebration is always tricky. More so when ages and tastes are very different. I was in this dilemma when I saw on TV Paula Deen, the queen of American fried chicken. And voila, this is my suggestion for Saturday: It promises to please everybody! But of course the recipe is in my way... Quantities are for 4 persons.
Chicken Ingredients:
- A chicken cut in about 10 pieces; - salt and pepper; - 1 egg;
- 4 tablespoons of milk; - 1 lemon juice; - 100 g flour;
- 150 grams of bread crumbs; - 1 teaspoon of herbs de provence; - oil for frying;
Make a marinade with lemon juice, salt, pepper and herbs de provence and rub the chicken with it. Reserve.
In a bowl place the flour; the egg beaten with milk in another; and bread crumbs in a third.
- 4 tablespoons of milk; - 1 lemon juice; - 100 g flour;
- 150 grams of bread crumbs; - 1 teaspoon of herbs de provence; - oil for frying;
Make a marinade with lemon juice, salt, pepper and herbs de provence and rub the chicken with it. Reserve.
In a bowl place the flour; the egg beaten with milk in another; and bread crumbs in a third.
Heat the oil in a fryer/skillet to 180.° C. Put the chicken peaces in flour until coat, dip them in the egg mixture, letting any excess drip off, and then coat well in the crumb mixture. Place in hot oil.
Fry 4-5 minutes, flip and let fry 4-5 minutes more. The legs and thighs need more time: 7 minutes on each side.
When there are kids at home, I usually put the flour, egg and bread crumbs in plastic boxes with lids: place the chicken on the box, close the lid, send the child to shake and go! They are enthusiastic and proud to help making food for the family. And we have the right to those wonderful smiles and the kitchen stays clean .... :)!
Fry 4-5 minutes, flip and let fry 4-5 minutes more. The legs and thighs need more time: 7 minutes on each side.
When there are kids at home, I usually put the flour, egg and bread crumbs in plastic boxes with lids: place the chicken on the box, close the lid, send the child to shake and go! They are enthusiastic and proud to help making food for the family. And we have the right to those wonderful smiles and the kitchen stays clean .... :)!
Ingredients for mashed potatoes:
- 1 Kg (1 3/4 pounds) baking potatoes;
- 1/2 cup milk and 1/2 cup cream;
- 100 g (4 tablespoons) butter;
- salt and pepper;
-1 coffespoon grated nutmeg;
- 1 Kg (1 3/4 pounds) baking potatoes;
- 1/2 cup milk and 1/2 cup cream;
- 100 g (4 tablespoons) butter;
- salt and pepper;
-1 coffespoon grated nutmeg;
Peel, wash and cut potatoes into chunks. In a large pot, cover the potatoes with cold salted water. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat and cook until the potatoes are tender (20-25 minutes). Drain well and while the potatoes are still hot, using a potato masher, mash them in the pot whit milk, cream, butter, black pepper and nutmeg over very low heat. Mash until the potatoes are the consistency you like. Add more salt and milk if necessary. Serve hot.
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